Desktop and taskbar

The word Windows is translated from English as windows. A window is a defined area on the screen associated with a program. After starting the Windows XP operating system, the entire monitor screen is occupied by a special drawing called the Desktop. All windows are located on top of the desktop, and they can be moved, enlarged, reduced or removed. Windows can completely or partially overlap each other. The desktop allows you to run programs, configure the system, and perform […]

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web server written in PHP

Vincent Negrier, also known as sIX, presented to the public the first web server written entirely in PHP. The full name of the product is the aEGiS PHP nano web server, but users, and the author himself, shorten this name to just Nanoweb. In a short README supplied with the server sources, the author explains why we should use this miracle of programming thought. And the first thing he pays attention to is that the server turned out to be […]

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designing and selecting software for creating a collaboration website

Nowadays, websites are the most important components of a business, and the tools for creating and deploying websites are becoming more flexible and easy to use. However, creating complex web applications using non-standard methods of interaction (for example, blogs) is not a trivial task. Very often, every application in an organization may require adaptation. In this article, we use the fictional organization International Business Council (IBC). IBC unites its employees and business partners into an interactive community, but the existing […]

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Kaspersky Anti-virus 5.5 for Samba Server

Kaspersky Lab presents a new version of the product for antivirus protection of corporate networks based on Linux and FreeBSD – Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.5 for Samba Server.

Kaspersky Anti-virus for Samba Server is a solution for comprehensive anti-virus protection of Samba file servers. The new version of the product adds support for 64-bit Linux platforms, such as RedHat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 4 UPD3, RedHat Fedora Core 5, SUSE Linux Professional 10.1, SUSE LES 9 SP3, as well as new operating […]

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ATEN releases a new centralized solution

ATEN International presents the CC1000 Control Center Over the NET solution, complementing the ALTUSEN Over the NET line. CC1000 is a software solution for secure and centralized management of the IT infrastructure of numerous computing centers, branches and remote offices.

It was created

IT administrators who need to organize the management of all Over the NET and other IP-enabled IT devices through a single IP address.

The browser-based CC1000 graphical interface has an intuitive tree structure and allows users to easily access, manage, […]

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getting to know Subversion


Version control is the art of managing changing information. For a long time, it has been a vital tool for programmers who usually spend time making small changes to programs, and at one point roll back changes by going back to the previous version. However, the usefulness of version control systems goes far beyond the world of software developers. Version control is required wherever you can meet people using a computer to work with constantly changing information. That’s when Subversion […]

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