Desktop and taskbar

The word Windows is translated from English as windows. A window is a defined area on the screen associated with a program. After starting the Windows XP operating system, the entire monitor screen is occupied by a special drawing called the Desktop. All windows are located on top of the desktop, and they can be moved, enlarged, reduced or removed. Windows can completely or partially overlap each other. The desktop allows you to run programs, configure the system, and perform […]

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web server written in PHP

Vincent Negrier, also known as sIX, presented to the public the first web server written entirely in PHP. The full name of the product is the aEGiS PHP nano web server, but users, and the author himself, shorten this name to just Nanoweb. In a short README supplied with the server sources, the author explains why we should use this miracle of programming thought. And the first thing he pays attention to is that the server turned out to be […]

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